
Working with stressed out persons

Executive Summary

You know the stress case — the one who’s always overwhelmed, overstretched, and overextended. They aren’t easy to work with, but you likely don’t have a choice. Whether you regard your colleague with annoyance or sympathy, here are some tips on how to work effectively with them. Acknowledge the stress. It’s important to make the stressed-out person feel seen and heard. Say something like: ‘I notice you were working late last night, and it wasn’t the first time. How are things?” Offer praise. Your jittery colleague probably feels out of control and incompetent. Cast them in a positive light by praising their competence and professionalism. Offer your assistance. Provide support by asking if there’s anything you can do to help. This makes your stressed-out colleague feel less alone. And don’t pile on. Reduce your colleague’s cognitive load by shortening your emails to them and splitting your larger requests into several smaller chunks.



Onene Osila Obele-Oshoko comes with a strong executive managerial background with senior level experience and cross sector (private & public) exposure. She has strategic appreciation and vision; able to build and implement sophisticated plans with a proven track record explicitly supporting business needs. She is self-driven and self-reliant, sets aims and targets and leads by example, adopts collaborative approach with good interpersonal skills to engage, motivate and encourage others to adopt change. She is highly focused with a consistent track record of successfully delivering full lifecycle implementations to tight time schedules and within budget. Osila is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, an Associate of Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Chartered Institute of Arbitration, Institute of Directors UK, Nigeria Branch as well as Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered), and has Masters in Business Administration as well as a Master of Laws in International Business to name a few. She is a philanthropist. She owes all solely to Jesus Christ, her Lord & Savior.

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