Grass to Grace
The story of Just Sam, the winner of 2020 American Idol inspires the phrase “Grass to Grace”.
Here we have a young lady that lives off alms given her as she sings at the train station. She sings with her piggie bag beside her. One of these days she heard of the auditioning for American Idol and she summed up courage to participate. She recounts on her journey to stardom that her flight for the auditioning was her first flight ever! To sing at the event, she needed to have her box beside her, as her source of inspiration.
Her journey was a solo one, as there were no friends and family to cheer her along. She had her Grandma though, who she was able to communicate with via social media.
I’m imagining such audacity. A “nobody” facing such audience? But she did and came forth standing TALL.
I feel this grass to grace story is for me and all those that habit thoughts of limitations. You can be anything you aspire to be in life. Just push yourself and God would do the rest. And I remember she was always mindful to say “Thank You Jesus”.
My dear, what’s your story today? We can be all that and more. Let’s go for it. Grace is available and beckons.