Tag: Governance

  • Loyalty: Birthright or Earned?

    Loyalty: Birthright or Earned?

    Loyalty: Is it earned or a birthright? Often I have heard people talk and make a lot of fuss about loyalty. A significant number of these talks are amongst politicians. I found myself giggling as I wrote this. I was curious about the matter of loyalty and decided to do some search and I confess…

  • Good Governance; A Combination that Works
  • Wisdom for Leadership

    Wisdom for Leadership

    The quest for wisdom and the ability to lead complicated people is a matter I always find intriguing. You know complications abound everywhere! I see the conversation between God and Solomon as quite insightful. What’s your take? God: “Ask me for whatever you want me to give you.” Solomon: “You were very kind to my…

  • Leaders Current Vs Future

    Leaders Current Vs Future

    I’m just 🤔🤔🤔 about our leaders and how we are planning to pass on the baton of leadership   University lecturers are on strike…that means they are not teaching students in the school they are employed to teach The students are at home, while their mates in private universities in the country as well as…

  • Politics and Leadership

    Politics and Leadership

    Hey 👋🏿! Let’s talk abit about politics and leadership from the ordinary person’s point of view for at the end of the day, we the ordinary people are the beneficiaries of the product of politics.  When you have a situation where leadership at any level considers politics more important than governance…then it’s a very serious…

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