I Am Fulfilled As A Mother

As we celebrate fathers all over the world today, it gives me another opportunity to be grateful that I am a mother. I am a single-mother by reason of a failed marriage. Although I am a sole provider for my son I am not a father to him. The role of a father is reserved solely for men. In my opinion therefore, it is abnormal to arrogate to a woman the role of a father simply because she is the sole provider for her children. The same is applicable where the roles are reversed.

Should a woman leave her children neglected simply because the man is failing in his supposed duties? In situations where the other party is lacking we should call on God who is Father to the fatherless and One who would not forget a sucking child even if the mother does. Don’t try to take on a role that has not been assigned to you.   

God says that if I fail to praise Him, the stones would. That doesn’t mean the stone is now me. It only means that another has taken over the responsibilities I failed to do. The onus is now on me to ensure that no one takes my place. I believe we are all entrusted with roles and responsibilities. One of such for me is motherhood and God knows I’m mighty grateful for the privilege. I’d do everything within my power to be a worthy mother…that entails teaching my son the difference between a father and a mother. So please don’t call me a father, because I’m happy to be me.

So today, I join the world to celebrate all the fathers. Please don’t abdicate your responsibilities because there is no excuse for failure. 

Much respect!


2 responses to “I Am Fulfilled As A Mother”

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    Stephen Otieno Origa

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