Being Humble in Service
Hey Friends! Been giving some thoughts lately to our various acts of service and on the need to be humble as we deal. According to Google, service is the action of helping or doing work for someone.
I remember an article by May Ellen Ezekiel (MEE) several years back. She shared about respecting our friends choices and standing by them even when we have our reservation about their choice. That has stuck with me all along.
I remember another advise by a sister in Church (Revival Assembly) when we were preparing for counseling session for one of the Church’s annual events. She told us that people may not always take our advise or counsel, but that doesn’t mean we are wrong or we should develop an attitude and stop advising those that need our advise.
We don’t have to be available only because they are craving and lapping all over us and would do whatever our bidding is. If we go that way, we are embarking on the act simply to feed our ego.
The above scenarios bring to the fore the need for us to strengthen ourselves in humility and stay humble at all times. Often times, people being people would test our patience which has a direct relationship with how humble we can be. We should be ready and available to serve others and be there for them according to their terms… I would however add the proviso that it should be to the extent it doesn’t compromise on our values and core belief. We can only achieve this, in my opinion if we submit ourselves fully to the leading of the Holy Spirit of God.
Let’s not forget that Jesus Christ came to His own but His own did not accept Him. The Bible further went to state that He made Himself of no reputation and was humiliated. He bore our shame and today He is seated with God the Father with a Name that is above all other names.
I’m persuaded that there is a reward that comes with selfless service, done out of a humble heart, not just when we get to Heaven but even while we are here on Earth. Can you imagine that feeling that comes from knowing that your sacrifice/act of service has made someone else a better person? And remember too that God turns His back on the proud and grants more grace to the humble.
Much respect!